Address: Feng Jicai Research Institute of Arts and Literature, Weijin Road Campus, Tianjin University, No. 92 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin
Contact: (Tel) +86 22 27400263
Chinese Inheritors of Oral History Research Center

The Chinese Inheritors of Oral History Research Center, jointly authorized by the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association and Tianjin University, and supported by the Feng Jicai Research Institute of Literature and Art, is the first national-level institute focused on expanding fieldwork and developing theoretical frameworks for oral history as intangible cultural heritage.
In the early 2000s, Feng Jicai innovatively applied oral history methods to protect Chinese folk cultural heritage, addressing gaps in the study of oral history inheritors. Since then, people-centered theories focusing on cultural memory and historical consciousness have evolved into systematic academic approaches. Beginning in 2005, folk culture workers have systematically collected, recorded, and published oral histories. Over the past decade, significant publications such as the "Chinese Outstanding Folk Culture Inheritors Series," "Chinese Wood-block New Year Picture Inheritors Oral History Series," and "Cultural Heritage Achieves of Imperial Heavenly Queen Temple in Tianjin" have emerged. In the fall of 2011, the project “Further Studies on Chinese New Year Pictures Database Construction and Oral History Methodology” was selected as a major National Social Science Fund project (No. 11&ZD064), resulting in the completion of a 300,000-word monograph within three years.
Utilizing methodologies from anthropology, history, literature, folklore, and communication, the Research Center develops and implements its own academic methods for studying oral history. It has established a theoretical system for oral history that guides the protection of folk cultural heritage. The center focuses on the collection, recording, organization, and conservation of endangered folk cultures, aiming to foster public awareness of the importance of cultural memory and heritage preservation.
The center has systematically gathered and archived primary data, including audio recordings, video content, images, and text, creating a digital archive to manage and preserve the oral histories of cultural heritage inheritors. At the forefront of academic research, the center hosts conferences and publishes scholarly works to advance its field. It also engages in domestic and international exchanges to promote the academic theories and vision of the Feng Jicai Culture and Art Research Institute. These theoretical advancements are applied in fieldwork through training programs for cultural workers, ensuring the scientific and systematic preservation of Chinese folk cultural heritage.
China’s Traditional Village Protection and Development Research Center

On June 4, 2013, the China Traditional Village Protection and Development Research Center (hereinafter referred to as "the Center") inaugurated its plaque at the Feng Jicai Research Institute of Arts and Literature at Tianjin University. Established with the approval of the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Society at Tianjin University and supported by the Feng Jicai Research Institute, the Center is dedicated to the preservation and research of traditional villages.
The Center is organized into several departments: the Academic Committee, Liaison Department, Research Department, Books and Magazines Department, and Information Department. Mr. Feng Jicai proposed the formation of the Expert Committee for the Preservation and Development of China’s Traditional Villages, which brings together leading experts and scholars in anthropology, architecture, folklore, and heritage studies. Mr. Feng serves as the director of the committee.
The committee focuses on building a comprehensive resource system and database, developing protective standards, and researching methods for preserving China’s traditional villages. Utilizing the Internet, it reports the current conditions of these villages to the government and disseminates advanced knowledge and methods for their preservation. Additionally, the committee organizes regular academic conferences and seminars to address the needs of the research center.
To facilitate the preservation, documentation, and establishment of records for traditional villages in China, the Center has initiated the "Traditional Village Database in China" project. This database, which includes textual data, audio recordings, images, and multimedia content, is compiled from field investigations and contributions from government departments, research groups, and volunteers. It is intended to serve as a comprehensive and systematic data recording system.
To support ongoing research, the Center has published several key documents, including the "Traditional Villages Investigation Field Manual of China," "Template of Traditional Villages Investigation in China," "Catalog of Chinese Traditional Villages," "Heritage of Villages," and "Work Communication."
The website, supported by the China Traditional Village Protection and Development Research Center, serves as a vital platform for the preservation and study of traditional villages. It provides an overview of the historical and current status of these villages, offers dynamic updates, and gathers public sentiment. The website features sections such as News, National Catalog, Surveys for Archive-Building, Village 120, Expert Opinion, Center Materials, and additional subsections like The University, The Center, The Website, Source, Policies and Regulations, Village Catalog, Maps, Project Introduction, Case Template, among others.
Since its founding, the Center has actively hosted domestic and international academic conferences and meetings, attracting experts from various fields and earning widespread recognition and acclaim globally.
The Chinese Wood-block New Year Picture Study Center

The Chinese Wood-block New Year Picture Study Center was established by the Feng Jicai Research Institute of Literature and Art at Tianjin University, authorized by the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association in 2007. This center is the first state-level institute dedicated to the preservation and research of Chinese wood-block New Year pictures, safeguarding this rich cultural heritage.
The center focuses on the collection, organization, protection, and academic study of New Year picture heritage, supported by a comprehensive database and a collection, as well as a “Local Art Museum,” making it a pivotal platform for research. Since its founding in 2006, the Feng Jicai Culture and Art Research Institute has led a major project funded by the National Social Science Foundation focusing on database construction and oral history research of these New Year pictures.
The Institute has published significant cultural archives, such as "Chinese Wood-block New Year Pictures: Hua County," "Chinese Wood-block New Year Pictures: Russian Collection," and "Chinese Wood-block New Year Picture Oral History." The Institute has also organized notable exhibitions and international seminars, including the“Achievement Exhibition of Hua County New Year Picture Investigation” and the“International Seminar on Chinese Wood-block New Year Pictures.” Additionally, it has published over ten articles in leading National Social Science journals and is currently compiling Chinese wood-block New Year pictures for consideration as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. These efforts have garnered significant attention from both academia and the public.