The 1st EBSCO (ASU+BSU) Database TJU Retrieval Competition has kicked off!
During the competition, participants have the opportunity to follow professionals in learning retrieval skills on the EBSCOhost platform and obtain an official EBSCO certificate.
Excellent participants will be awarded prizes such as iFlytek AI mechanical keyboard and Keep intelligent sports bracelet.
What are you waiting for? Just come and join us!
EBSCO International Inc.
All students, faculty, and staff of Tianjin University
Phase 1: Oct. 9, 2023 ~ Nov. 12, 2023 (5 Weeks)
Phase 2: Nov. 27, 2023 ~ Dec. 31, 2023 (5 Weeks)
Online Lecture
Scan the QR code and watch the online lectures on retrieval.

Phase 1:
Participants are required to complete 10 questions. Click the link below or scan the QR code with QQ or WeChat to open the test paper.

Phase 2:
(Only participants who have finished Phase 1 can move on to Phase 2)
During this phase, enter the EBSCO database and retrieve the resources you need daily. Capture the screenshot of your retrieval, download the full-text resources as PDFs, and upload both to the official QQ chat group (scan the QR code below to enter) of this event. The prizes will be awarded according to the ranking of download numbers of each participant. Please change your group nickname to Your Name + Your Student Number + Your School or Department. The information is used only for contacting prize winners.

Phase 1:
1. The official certificate of excellent grades will be issued to those graded above 80.
2. EBSCO practical waterproof backpacks will be awarded to the first 300 participants who finished the test and were graded above 80.
Phase 2:
(According to the ranking of download numbers of each participant.)
First Prize (1 participant)
iFlytek AI mechanical keyboard
Second Prize (3 participants)
Keep intelligent sports bracelet
Third Prize (5 participants)
EBSCO camping & picnic mat
Weekly Prizes for the first 5 participants who uploaded the retrieved resources.
EBSCO exquisite canvas bags
How to collect your prize
1. Finish the test paper.
2. Fill in your personal information, including student number, name, phone number or email address, and the campus you are at.
3. One week after the events, the winners will be settled according to their grades. The list of winners will be posted on the official website or official WeChat account of the library.
4.Two weeks after posting the list of winners, the prizes will be mailed to Tianjin University Library at the Weijin Road Campus, where winners collect their prizes.