Recently, the 9th Congress of China Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Arts recognized Multiple Academic Works of the Feng Jicai Research Institute of Arts and Literature in a solemn event held in Beijing. Liu Qibao, member of the Political Bureau of CPC Secretariat of the Central Committee, and Minister of the Publicity Department of the Committee, attended and addressed the opening ceremony.
Liu pointed out that folk art were splendid treasures and a distinctive symbol of traditional Chinese culture, so to protect and defend folklore was to guard and enrich our spiritual home. That is to say, we are supposed to show respect for traditional arts, protect the roots and learn the source of folk arts, and vigorously promote the conservation of the folk cultural legacy and the preservation of China’s traditional villages. In addition, we should firmly develop an enthusiasm for folk culture directed by our socialist core values, present arts works rich in truth, goodness, beauty, and pass on more positive energy, so as to turn traditional folklore into a clear spring that purifies our soul and ennobles our customs. Besides, we should also keep to the course of inheriting, developing, transforming and innovating, as well as meeting the development of our society, thus enhancing the vitality of folk literature.
During the meeting, Field Research and File Works of Chinese Woodblock New Year Pictures, comprehensive and standardized surveys of traditional villages and Tangka Culture of Tibetan nationality, as well as series of studies and records of artists’ oral history, conducted by Feng Jicai Research Institute of Arts and Literature, was highly appreciated and affirmed by our Central Leadership, relevant experts and scholars. Never before has there existed such a huge collection of academic-orientated works in history, which benefit us in a profound way.
Luo Yang, Deputy President and Secretary General of the 8th Congress of China Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Arts, delivered a report entitled “ To Create a New Realm for the Prosperity and Development of the Folk Literature and Art”, on behalf of the council.
Luo said that in the past five years, with the strong support of the Bureau lead by Director Feng Jicai and many other relevant experts, and under the principles of scientific, rigorous standards, the preservation work has been moving efficiently and effectively, and constantly presenting their phased achievements of major projects. Among those works, one entitled “Chinese Wood-block New Year Picture Volumes” yielded fruitful results. Since the publishing of the 22 Volumes, the International Forum on Chinese Woodblock New Year Prints and the Exhibition of the Ten Years Research Achievements on Chinese Wood-block New Year Pictures have been successively held at Feng Jicai Research Institute of Arts and Literature, and a series of fourteen books entitled “Chinese Woodblock Picture Artists’ Oral History” have been launched. Besides, Chinese Woodblock New Year Pictures have also been included in UNESCO's National Intangible Cultural Heritage List and submitted to the United Nations. Moreover, the Chinese Woodblock New Year Picture Data Base has been built and put into use.
Back in the year of 2006, the Chinese Wood-block New Year Picture Study Center, supported by Tianjin University and the China Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Arts, unveiled a plaque at the Feng Jicai Research Institute of Arts and Literature. This Center is the first national preservation and research institution for Chinese New Year Pictures. Since its foundation, the Center has been taking an active part in leading projects of the Chinese Folk Culture Preservation Project Association, that is, the salvaging and investigating Chinese Woodblock New Year Pictures in various regions. What’s more, they have been undertaking thorough and extensive studies, conducting further academic research and have formed dedicated research teams. They’ve also set up Chinese Woodblock New Year Picture Data Base and Conservation Store, established a series of books entitled “The Nianhua Journal”, opened a website of Chinese Woodblock New Year Pictures, “www.nianhua.org.cn”, founded many hardware and software platforms like “Jumping over the Dragon Gate Folk Art Museum” and so on. At the same time, they have been undertaken major projects of the National Social Sciences Fund and many other scientific tasks, which have been arousing enormous responses from both inside and outside academia. Today, the Chinese Wood-block New Year Picture Study Center has become an important international organization for woodblock New Year Picture research.
On June 15, 2016, the 9th Congress of China Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Arts successfully concluded in Beijing. The congress elected a new Council consisting of 134 members and a new Bureau of 15 members. Feng Jicai was proposed as honorary president. Wang Kun, Vice Director of Chinese Wood-block New Year Picture Study Center, Mentor of Feng Jicai Research Institute of Arts and Literature, was elected as a member of the 9th Congress of the China Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Arts.